QLD AEPMA Branch Update - Peter May Branch Secretary


The last Qld AEPMA Branch General Meeting was held on 17th February 2022 as a virtual event.  John Murray chaired the meeting with agenda items focused on Qld Pest Management Regulations, Qld Red Imported Fire Ant program, West Indian Drywood Termites, and Training.  Minutes of the meeting have been circulated to members.

Qld AEPMA has had ongoing contact with Qld Health as part of consultation in the drafting of the Qld Medicines and Poisons (Pest Management, Poisons, and other Regulated Substances) Regulations 2019, the final version of which were released in September 2021. AEPMA had a further opportunity to request amendments to the Regulations in a virtual meeting held on 22/3/2022.  At this meeting AEPMA sought to clarify the need for Activity Risk Management Plans, the definition of High Risk and Sensitive sites, and interpretation of other wording in the Regs. This meeting also offered AEPMA the opportunity to raise issues regarding the time taken for online processing of pest management licenses; and to comment on the Qld Health publication “The Guide to What Pest Managers Need to Know in Queensland”. Qld Health was receptive to AEPMA’s contributions and concerns and undertook to consider and address the issues raised.

AEPMA is continuing to monitor and liaise where possible with Biosecurity Queensland (DAF) regarding the Red Imported Fire Ant (RIFA) program. The Program is increasingly involving home owners in control activities (including the provision of training), but is still promoting the use of pest managers where required.  AEPMA supports the availability of ongoing training for pest managers and continues to encourage AEPMA members to participate in RIFA control activities.

As previously reported, the Qld Biosecurity West Indian Drywood Termite (WIDT) control program ended in early 2021 and a two-year transition to a community-based approach is now in progress with WIDT moving from a “notifiable” to a “normal” pest status.  AEPMA is continuing to engage with Qld Biosecurity in relation to arrangements under the transition period, and the development of treatments other than fumigation.  

The next Qld Branch meeting is an Annual General Meeting and will be held as a virtual meeting at 0900 on 27th April 2022.

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